Aquarius Rising

Blades of grass douse your socks

in cold, mud-filled water


Moonlight pours over the sea,

waves dancing in the spotlight


Your eyes follow the moonbeam

up to its origin and you stare, bewildered


Arm stretched, you trace Orion’s belt,

Cassiopeia and Ursa Minor too


You become entranced as you

piece together the story of the stars


Lungs fill with air but you stop,

unable to articulate the sensation


Shocked by the familiarity

you immerse your senses once more


The reminiscent feeling permeates

it bathes in each crevice of your fist


You begin sinking, submerging yourself in

what was believed to be unknown


And as ambiguity saturates your soul

the droplets caress your skin


Strung together by magic, by history

a story told by time


Kaylee Morris is an 18-year-old senior in high school at the Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences who plans to study Environmental Analysis at Pitzer College next year. She is a passionate jazz vocalist, dancer, actress, and artist. Morris has always enjoyed creative writing but just began focusing on poetry this year while taking a Creative Writing class under the instruction of poet Lauri Conner.

Visual Art By: Cherry Guo 

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