I don’t mind sleepless nights
utterly unmanageable
afraid of drowning in
piping hot cups of coffee
So wind me up, watch me go
seventy-five down the metro
and moving from predator to prey
has not been easy, but natural
Rather mindful indeed, and not
an ounce of shame to show
proud and pearly whites
or matte black silhouettes
I’d play for you if I could
the melody of a thousand notes
the key change of a single song
if I mustn’t choke back
the fear (a dangerous
concoction when mixed
with passion)
To this day, I am
convinced that
He sang it better.
Executive entanglement, I’d like
to say, yet words fail me;
you belong on the couch
feet on top of mine;
tucked, frightened, and ready to run
The yellow pencil trembles
while I grasp it
I beg to communicate
a foreign and mental narrative
Pen for me not ten verses, but one.
The scraps of memories that live
in the darkest corners
and compartmentalized
into the ephemeral seasons
When pure bliss was mine,
I didn’t know.
Brilliant ideas rarely appear
in the “comfort zone”
But who you are is not
who I want you to be-
you belong to the people
who love you
hopelessly lost
in the labyrinth
of life
When you took a shot
at change, it worked.
You transform the intolerable
into the sentimental,
much like everything else:
Ideas that didn’t die.
By Grace Vedock
Grace Vedock is an aspiring poet. When she isn’t finishing her schoolwork, Grace enjoys looking to outside sources of inspiration for writing. Throughout her high school career, poetry and literature have been of great interest to Grace. On her own time, she decided to study and begin to write poetry. A handful of her poems have been published, most notably by Crashtest Magazine and The Noisy Island. She has an acute desire to share her poetry with the young readers and writers of the world.
Artwork by Sumin Seo.