Wreathed in white space,
I ask you
To stencil me in
(teach me the ways
of the modern woman)
And you
All but refuse. for
futile is the woman
who cannot strut about
a crowded east-asian fish market
in six-inch stiletto heels.
hawkers may beckon,
but she remains a miserly vale.
no tip, no bag, no purchase:
you, seller. you clearly rigged the scale.
1,000% discount and counting,
she saunters away,
balances a tottering tray of dimsum
with a menagerie of goldfish:
polite curios for the little cousins.
(At the end of the New Year celebrations,
She’ll be in charge of clearing out
The fish tank in
Remarkably inauspicious
Black bags.)
in a city where six-hour grocery trips
are the norm,
more futile is the woman
who smells of fresh tilapia
at the end of said time interval.
(six times sixty
is three-sixty, did you know that?)
and – and –
in case you’ve forgotten:
most futile
is the woman
who cannot taste a rhetorical question
at the tip of her own tongue